A simple node cache api
Trying a react-query inspired node cache
Writings in the endless search for becoming a better software engineer.
Trying a react-query inspired node cache
If you have different package managers and don't remember which one you chose, I've got a cli command for you
Some plans for plurality have a low cost so it is worth doing them even if you are not sure if you will need them.
Adding a typed cli is a nice way to run scripts and commands in a project.
Small additions for tailwind customizations
A quick review of state management in react
Why at first glance react query seems better than rtk query
I've been using enums for a while now, but I've been wondering if I should be using const instead.
useEffect's can cause a lot of headaches. Simplifying them can help spend less time debugging error prone code.
A short list of other people explaining why disabled buttons should be avoided and a very short list about why not
Using grid instead of flex
Why move from vest to zod for form validation?
Setting up context quickly
Here are a few things I wish I’d known before starting aws
A dive into how Stitches uses generics to type a theme